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Carving Creative Walking Sticks and Canes

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Carving Creative Walking Sticks and Canes

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Carving Creative Walking Sticks and Canes


Author Paul Purnell. Put your wood carving skills to practical use! This must-have book features 13 wood carving projects with step-by-step instructions and photography for creative and elegant walking sticks. Including projects for both intermediate and advanced wood carvers, painting and finishing instructions are provided, as well as helpful information on types of wood used, methods for joining a head to a shank, and more. From a simple lyre-shaped thumb stick and a gent’s walking stick to derby sticks with the head of a fox, eagle, Labrador retriever, black swan, and other animals, author, contributor to The Guild of Master Craftsman’s magazines, and self-taught wood carver Paul Purnell will show you everything you need to know!

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